1.designed not to harm the natural environment
1.Environmentally friendly. It's man-powered. Save the planet a little bit of exhaust. Hey, it might just be enough to save us all.
2.Is the attempt to make environmentally friendly roadways doomed to wind up in the toilet?
3.The firm came out on top of a Greenpeace survey aimed at finding the most environmentally friendly manufacturers.
4.It's designed for up to six people to live in, and is powered by an environmentally-friendly combination of solar power and hydrogen tanks.
5.We will promote environmentally friendly programs in and out of the hotel for the protection and preservation of our natural resources.
6.Thought of it all, from our environmentally friendly no-spill bottle, to our custom labels for your business or next social occasion.
7.No matter how much manufacturers try to make cars environmentally friendly, they will damage our earth in one way or other.
8.Wood Coatings can also be used for children's toys on the surface, the new product is environmentally friendly, absolutely pollution-free.
9.Aquaculture is often accused of being unsustainable and not environmentally friendly.
10.Recently, the Custom Packaging company of Lebanon, Tennessee, hired him to help make its business more environmentally friendly.